Planet-first approach | Sustainability

At Bed&Butter, we follow a planet-first approach. Without drowning you into a lot of marketing mumbo-jumbo, we think of the planet before every decision we make. Some initiatives that are baked into our processes include:  

  • ✅ Sourcing from sustainably managed, biodiverse farms i.e. no unnecessary cutting down of trees meant for wildlife. 
  • ✅ Production processes that use 96% less water and 30% less energy than Cotton alternatives
  • ✅ No toxic chemicals used for production. Plus, we use a closed loop production process which means 99% of the non-toxic chemicals and waste is recycled. 
  • ✅ Our manufacturing plants are based across India and China. The employees are paid above-average wages and receive additional benefits including healthcare and education. They work 8-hour shifts in a highly automated factory. 
  • ✅ We avoid using plastic for packaging. When you order a Bed&Butter product, along with a beautiful product you will also be a greeted with a compostable mailer.  

We want to start by making small changes as small changes can make a big difference! 🌎

Send us a message at if you have any questions, comments, stories, or hot goss!

Snugs & Hugs,


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